There is really no such thing as "upgrading to current code" since your structure is missing all the current code required seismic detailing. Your best bet is to go to CBC Chapter 34 and follow the requirements of ASCE 41. ASCE 41 has guidelines for determining material properties which will likely require testing. Also realize that if your are just starting your design you will need to consider the 2010 CBC which becomes effective January 1, 2001.
Thomas Hunt, S.E.
From: Larry Hauer <>
To: "Struct. Eng. Assoc." <>
Date: 11/10/2010 01:41 PM
Subject: Seismic Upgade of Older Structue
I have been asked to investigate an existing one story commercial building with dimensions of 31'x 124' and a wood framed roof and exterior concrete walls. No plans are available, but documentation indicates the building was built in the 1920's. The structure is in Southern California.
The owner wishes to seismically upgrade the building to meet current code standards, (2007 CBC). There are existing materials such as 1x straight roof sheathing which has no value in the current code. Am I allowed to use values for existing materials such as those found in the old 1997 UCBC, (Table A-1-D), or maybe values found in some other codes such as the Historic Building Code, or are these values no longer valid since these codes are obsolete?
Thanks in advance,
Larry Hauer S.E.
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