You might want to download "Chain Link Fence Wind Load Guide for the Selection of Line Post and Line Post Spacing" from the Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute and, if you have access, ASTM F2631, "Installation of Chain-Link Fence for Outdoor Sports Fields, Sports Courts and Other Recreation Facilities".
Thomas Hunt, S.E.
From: Larry Hauer <>
To: "Struct. Eng. Assoc." <>, Larry Hauer <>
Date: 10/28/2010 08:00 AM
Subject: Baseball Filed Fencing
To All,
I have to design some fencing around a baseball field which will be 40' high with columns at about 11' o.c. The fencing itself will be open chain link type and we will make sure that no covering be put over it. So, my question is: Any advice on designing the pipe columns, (and footings), for wind loading other than using the ASCE requirements with a reduction of surface area due to the open chain link fencing?
Thanks in Advance,
Larry Hauer S.E.
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