The last time I worked on a similar project, it was an extension of the existing backstop from the 36 to 48 ft height. I first decided to use the references Tom recommended, but ended up calculating wind loads myself with ASCE 7. The task was not too tedious, and, as I was able to justify Exposure B, the loads were not too high; however, they still added up fast.
The existing chain link fence was actually covered with a much denser mesh with some vinyl signs on it. I was told that the coach needed the mesh to protect the players from being blinded by the sun.
I ended up sistering the existing posts, and was limited only by the size of the existing footings (which were luckily oversized). In a new job, the actually difference between the solid and non-solid wall design - in terms of construction cost - is not that high. My point is - how are you going to make sure no additional covering will be ever installed? I would recommend to play it safe.
Larry Hauer wrote:
To All,
I have to design some fencing around a baseball field which will be 40' high with columns at about 11' o.c. The fencing itself will be open chain link type and we will make sure that no covering be put over it. So, my question is: Any advice on designing the pipe columns, (and footings), for wind loading other than using the ASCE requirements with a reduction of surface area due to the open chain link fencing?
Thanks in Advance,
Larry Hauer S.E.
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